Friday, October 9, 2009

Two from Rumney

by Ben

Monday and Tuesday I went up to climb in Rumney, NH with my friends Matt and Eli. You may remember these two as the people I lived in a tent with for 29 days in Joshua Tree. Six months later, I think we were all ready to be anywhere near each other again. It was great to be all climbing together again and it was a fun two days. I did a fair bit of climbing and shooting, some gear testing, and a whole bunch of getting rained on. Contrary to anything I said in the post below, nothing about climbing photography is enhanced be the presence of rain, but the weather gave us enough of a break to get in a full day on Tuesday. WE also ran in to this guy named Erik who was without a partner. We welcomed him to climb with us and I was pleased to find out that he is from Colorado as well. I'll be making sure to look him up when I get back.
Speaking of Joshua Tree, in the last few days I've finally had some time to be in the 'office' and get some things done. Among those things that got done, is my trip that I did for Backpacker in J-Tree. Make sure to checkout the trip info, maps, GPS track and photos from my time on the California Riding and Hiking Trail here.

Tomorrow morning I'm headed to NY from 3 days of scouting, climbing and shooting in the Gunks. I'm going to be getting together with a few great climbers and shooting them on some stellar routes. I'm pretty excited to see what kind of images I come away with. Be sure to check back in and find out.


Genny said...

Great job on the J-Tree map.

Ben and Genny Fullerton said...

Thanks, homegirl. Get it? 'Cause you're home and I'm not?