Monday, March 29, 2010

Baby Banner &hearts

by Ben

So, on March 9th, our good friends Jared and Kristen had their their first baby; a beautiful girl named Banner. They didn't get to come snowshoeing last weekend with us and mutual friends Travis and Laura, so we decided to make a little note for Banner in the fresh powder on a frozen pond.

Yesterday, Travis, Laura, Genny and I spent some time in Denver trying to mutually expand our photo skills. Afterwards, we all headed over to Jared and Kristen's house to have dinner together. But before dinner was to be served, Banner needed to go on her nightly walk. Here are some photos of us and the walk.


Genny said...

Just to clarify, Jared (the new dad) is the one holding the snowball and Travis is the one holding the baby.

Laura said...

that's a pretty baby!