Monday, December 8, 2008

We're not young anymore...

Every once in a while, as the days go by, you have one of those experiences that reminds you that you're not 17 anymore. Friday night, the youth group that Genny volunteers with had a lock-in. For those of you in the dark on that, it's basically an all night even of unfortold insanity. The night opened up with a trip to Jump Street. Basically, it's a warehouse full of trampolines. Yup, a warehouse full of trampolines. Enter the Reminder...

After 5 minutes of jumping, my back hurts and Genny has a headache. That was enough to slow Genny down, but not me! While my body may have aged, my decision making skills certainly have not. After jumping for a while, out comes the camera; my only chance of respite. It is surpisingly hard to take trampoline pictures in a giant room, with high drop-down ceilings, and black trampolines for the walls and floor. But it was still fun to try.

When we got back to the Church, of course there is no resting or sleeping. But you what there is? That's right! 7 hours of dodgeball! Woo hoo! When I sat down to write this blog post, I realized that I hadn't taken a single picture of the seven hours of dodgeball. Why? I was playing dodgeball, duh. Who wants to take pictures when you can be playing dodgeball?

Three days later, Genny and I still have the cold that we came down with the morning after the all-nighter, and I still feel like I was hit by a bus. But it was really fun at teh time, and the kids had a blast!


Laura said...

that header picture is awesome, or shall i say, orsome.

Travis said...

Dude i freakin love it. Pure Awesome.

Todd Paris said...

You kids are crazy! I became a new england area contact for SRCFC and am working on becoming a New England Regional Rep and on the road missionary for them. Miss you guys. -Todd